Where are we now? (づ ◕‿◕ )づ

Where are we now? (づ ◕‿◕ )づ

Hey everybody! It's been a while, looking back there's been several hurdles and challenges that we overcame to reach this point. I wanted to make this blog post to thank everybody for helping us out and joining us on our journey to become the ultimate club house for TCG/Video Games. We thank everybody who supported us, who played at our place, who criticized and suggested stuff, and those who stuck around till now.

m(_ _)m m(_ _)m m(_ _)m m(_ _)m m(_ _)m m(_ _)m m(_ _)m m(_ _)m


This blog post will focus on 3 things:

  1. Where we are now
  2. Derpy trade night!
  3. Our future planned goals currently


Lets start off with 1) shall we?(ΦωΦ)

Damn bro its been a journey, back then we would get like 2 people for yugioh nights, maybe 1 person for pokemon, 3 people for mtg. But now we're getting enough people to start tournaments! I have never been able to imagine us being here right now, thank you everyone .°(ಗдಗ。)°.

We're currently at a spot where people enjoy coming here, and for that, we want to do our best to emphasize the comforting environment of derpy cards and also the community here. We love to use TCG as our medium for communication and so far it seems to be working.

We currently teach anybody any card game that we know for free, we want to expand our community to anybody and we invite anyone who's remotely interested in TCG to come and try it.

Both upstairs and downstairs are now used to seat players and have them enjoy themselves with TCG and video games.

We thank everybody again and we hope we can see you guys again for some TCG Locals :)


2) Derpy Trade Night?

It's been a while since I've addressed the topic of trade night, welp, NOW WE'RE DOIGN IT :)

Every Friday night we will be hosting trade night 6PM - 9PM, bring your binders, your boxes, your whatever. I'll be addressing some themes and rules here.

The following TCG's are what we support and what we'd like to see in trade night, at the same time, the bolded TCG's are the ones we would like to emphasize the most

  • Pokemon
  • MTG
  • YGO
  • One Piece
  • SVE
  • GA
  • Digimon
  • Sorcery
  • Weiss Schwarz

If you have any trades for any of these card games we implore you to come and check us out on Friday 6PM.

There is no cost to our trade night as we want to encourage safe trading at our establishment and as such, we must implement some rules and boundaries here to ensure nobody is misled.


  1. No trade backs (unless...) - I get it, you did a trade and thought it was dumb, but you will have to understand that when you make a trade its final. HOWEVER, this does not mean we encourage traders to become scammers. As such, we'll be implementing a safe guarding rule. If both traders agree to the trade back, go ahead, if the mediator sees that the value of the trade is in a deficit of $50 or more and one person demands a trade back, it must be done, this is assuming that the card is kept in the same condition. If any attempts at scamming (fake cards), misleading, or misinformation is done you will have to commit a trade back and you will be banned from our location from trade nights.
  2. Buying cards - this is a trade night, if you both agree, its fine to use cash. However, we are not responsible for any cash deals/transactions. We cannot enforce RULE 1 if the trade is done with money. Please be responsible with your money.
  3. Be respectful - if the person rejects you once, do not ask the same offer again, if the person tells you that they're not interested at all, respect his space and leave him/her alone. Understand personal space and when somebody doesn't like an offer.
  4. Underage Guardian - if you are under the age of 16 you must have a guardian (or a staff member) by your side to confirm a trade for you. We do not permit trades done with people under 16 if they did not get a guardian/staff to confirm the trade. We will not be held responsible for situations such as this.


Finally 3)

What are our plans for the future? Well, we want to have more accommodated space, better chairs and tables, and more monitors and screens for people to use! We plan to increase our table size, better the quality of our chairs and tables for people, and in the far future, have a snack/cafe for people to get food/drinks from. Additionally we're planning on having more game consoles for people to use and play with :)))

I hope you guys stick with us till then (ᵒ̤̑ ₀̑ ᵒ̤̑)wow!*✰


Till then, thank you everybody, we truly appreciate you guys (シ_ _)シ

Without you all, we wouldn't be here. I hope we make you guys interested in coming back. Bye everyoneee!


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